What is BodyIntuitive?

Developed by a molecular biologist (Dr. Laura Stuve, Ph.D.) and Doctor of Oriental Medicine (Janet Galipo, DOM), BodyIntuitive offers a new paradigm of healthcare. By combining the latest scientific (Western) understanding of the body (including epigenetics and microbiome science), the wisdom of 2,000 year old Chinese (Eastern) medicine and guidance from the clients own innate intelligence, health and well-being can often be improved or restored when other means have not been effective.

Our bodies are very effective in communicating with us every day. They let us know when we need food, water, sleep and many other things. This is often referred to as innate intelligence and is something that is built into our bodies. It knows exactly what we need at any point in time, including what we need to heal. It also remembers the stories behind our symptoms! In other words, it knows the “why” behind food intolerances, high anxiety, immune conditions or any other symptom you may be experiencing.  Our symptoms could be due to emotions, hormones, diet, toxins, epigenetics or other factors. These stories are important because listening to them is the key to unlocking your healing potential!

Through the use of neuromuscular biofeedback (or “muscle testing”) and a series of charts containing information from both Western and Eastern perspectives of the body, BodyIntuitive practitioners are able to “listen” to this innate intelligence to find the areas of imbalance as well as the reason.  Finally with the use of this information, a new set of instructions for optimum health is activated by tapping on acupoints on three key areas of the body.