Meet Cheryl

As someone with a communication background, I love to tell stories! Here are a few favorites of mine related to the services I offer:

When my husband asked me to marry him, he gave me a beautiful engagement ring with a diamond band.  I enjoyed this ring for several months until we were married, at which time we had the ring secured to my wedding band to prevent sliding.  About a month later, my finger began to swell and itch, so much so that I wasn’t able to wear the rings.  At that time, I was a student of BodyTalk (“grandfather” of BodyIntuitive) and received a few of these sessions to see if it would help.  Within about a month or so, the swelling and itching in my finger completely subsided, and I was able to wear the rings once again!

Another story I like to share has to do with two of the joys in my life, my kitties “Ashlie” and “Michelle”.  I grew up with cats, and they always felt like such good friends to me.  As an adult however, I began to develop itchy eyes, nasal congestion and eventually severe asthma when I was around them.  I took allergy shots for a number of years so that I could have them. When the cats passed away though, I could not be around other cats without my symptoms returning. 

Years later, I began to really miss having a cat in my life.  Thinking my allergies were a thing of the past, I adopted two!  At first, I was very comfortable around them with no itching (or worse) at all.  Within a few days however, all my symptoms started back so that I wasn’t sure I would be able to keep them.  At that time, I was deep into my studies in BodyIntuitive, which included giving and receiving sessions.   After 3 sessions, I knew I would be able to keep my cats.  Now if my symptoms start up, I know it’s time to give my house a good vacuuming, and I’ll be fine.

So, these are just a few examples of how BodyIntuitive (and a related modality) have helped me “unlock” my healing potential.

My credentials:

1976 – B.A., Hearing and Speech Science, University of Maryland, College Park

1979 – M.S., Speech Pathology, Loyola College, Baltimore

2001 – Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, International BodyTalk Association

2010 – Reiki Master (Usui)

2013 – Certified Natural Health Professional, The National Association of Certified Natural Health Professionals

2018 – Registered Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki Master, International Center for Reiki Training

2021 – Certified BodyIntuitive, Drs. Laura Stuve, Ph.D. and Janet Galipo, DOM

2022 – Advanced BodyIntuitive Practitioner, Drs. Laura Stuve, Ph.D. and Janet Galipo, DOM

2024 – BodyIntuitive Master Practitioner with a specialty in COVID Recovery and Complex Immune issues

And when I’m not spending time with my family and friends or playing with my cats, I love to SING!  (For more information, please visit