Here are some answers to a few common questions about my services

Epigenetics is the study of how adverse lifestyle factors and influences from our life and those of our biological ancestors can place “locks” on our DNA leading to chronic “dis-ease”.  Some of these factors include diet and toxin exposure as well as experiencing strong emotions.  Research has now determined 90% of health issues have an epigenetic component.  During BodyIntuitive sessions, we are able to release these “locks” to help reduce symptoms and improve health.


In the past, all germs in our bodies were thought to be deadly.  However, modern technology has found our bodies to be home to trillions of microbes, most of which are beneficial and necessary for our health!  They actually help us with digestion, healthy brain function, having a strong immune system and more!   The areas of our body where these microbes live are called “microbiomes”.  By addressing imbalances in the microbiomes in our body through BodyIntuitive sessions, symptoms are often reduced and health improved.


Sessions are provided in person and remotely via Zoom.  Remote sessions are structured identically to those done in person and are just as effective!  Working in this manner allows me to help others for whom distance, time, illness or other reasons may be an issue.  (See a peer-reviewed published study in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (2015) for an article on distant BodyTalk sessions effective in reducing pain with associated depression and anxiety.)

  • Free 30-minute consultation
  • BodyIntuitive session (generally 60-75 minutes) – $95
  • Bundle of 3 sessions @ 25% discount – $214
  • COVID19 long-hauler sessions – 50% off first five sessions = $238 (These sessions tend to be shorter and less involved at first, due to the nature of the client’s symptoms.)

(These figures reflect payments made by a personal check sent to my P.O. Box.  Payments made via PayPal or a credit/debit card will include additional processing fees.)  Please see “Contact Me” for additional information.



Since I am not a licensed health care professional, unfortunately I am not able to accept insurance.